Friday, September 20, 2019

Module 1 - Introduction to the Sociology of Technology & Understanding Technology Beyond Machines

Unit 1 - Introduction to the Sociology of Technology

Technology can be viewed as having an impact on a society through ways of being a political artifact. Winner (1980) in his article Do Artifacts have Politics? discusses the varies ways technology has had a political and social affect on citizens.  Winner (1980) makes a claim that Robert Moses constructed bridges at a certain height out in Long Island, NY to prohibit minorities from accessing the beaches of Long Island. Is this true or not? There is no way to know for certain however, his viewpoint shows the need to looks at technology through a critical perspective. 

Image result for bridges long island

Winner, L. (1980). Do Artifacts Have Politics? Daedalus, 109(1), 121 – 136. 

Unit 2- Understanding Technology Beyond Machines 

When we refer to technology the vast majority of us thinks of computers, smart phones, the internet and the like. However, technology goes beyond this.  Technology is comprised of  all the aspects that goes into developing technology and the final product,  including the system in which to build products and the logical reasoning in ways to develop the product, ie. the brain power.

Image result for technology black and white

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