Friday, September 20, 2019

Module 3 - Introduction to learning theories; The role of learning theories in learning

Unit 5- Introduction to Learning Theories 

A widely accepted definition of learning is that “learning is an enduring change in behavior, or in the capacity to behave in a given fashion, which results from practice or other forms of experience” (Schunk,2012, p. 3). A learning theory provides a roadmap for educators to achieve the goal of learning.  A theory serves as a bridge between research and education and allows for integration and interpretation of data.  Learning theories will be the basis to the creation of curriculum and class assignments to arrive at the learning objectives.

Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning theories: An educational perspective (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. 
3 Learning Theories of Instructional Design Infographic

Unit 6 -  The role of Learning Theories in Learning 

Here is a link to Prezi on Constructivist Learning Theory!



  1. I agree that this was an excellent week for us to review the learning theories and I too love the Constructivist Learning Theory in which your presentation has visually portrayed. Your presentation was very clean and creative and I love how you provided the differences between the theorists and also educational applications & important related concepts.

    I really like the visual you shared on this blog post comparing key bullet points of the three learning theories all coming down to the student learner. Your analysis of learning theory being a roadmap and providing the bridge between research and education are also key concepts that I feel educators should take notice of. Overall, great presentation and thank you for sharing your key points and awesome visual.


  2. Hi Jason, thanks for your feedback. I also love this visual and how it clearly explains what it is and how educators can apply it. I also love how its s visual to highlight that we should be using all aspects of the 3 theories within each lesson plan!
