Friday, September 20, 2019

Module 7 - Applying learning theories to instructional design; Promoting ethical technology use in education

Unit 13- Applying Learning Theories to Instructional Design 
Unit 14- Promoting Ethical Technology Use in Education 

I will be utilizing constructivist learning theory for my final assignment. Constructivist learning theory simply put is not actually a theory however it is a epistemology of learning (Shunk, 2012).  Constructivism postulates that learners acquire knowledge from within and educators need to develop lessons that challenge learners already constructed knowledge. 

This has been a very timely course for me as I have started a new career journey where I am an adjunct.  I am teaching a course in Foundations of Inquiry which challenges students to critically examine information, have an understanding of basic research methods, and apply different disciplines in inquiring around them. I have challenged myself to apply the principles, concepts and knowledge from this course into my new role. I am especially appreciative on the modules that emphasized morality, ethics, and diversity into the classroom. In my opinion anyone in an educator role should have to take a similar course to this one as I feel it opens the eyes into the multitude of issues that students are challenged with. 

Image result for classroom technology


  1. Hi Mel, I also chose Constructivist learning theory to explore in this module. Glad to see we share something in common again!

  2. We always do Jenny!!! Good luck on your final presentation.
