Friday, September 20, 2019

Module 5 - Ethics and educational technology; Introduction to universal design of instruction (UDI)

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Image result for electronic health recordUnit 9- Ethics and Educational Technology 

Lin (2007) identifies ethical concerns that need to be addressed within technology instruction which include copyright, learner privacy, accessibility, diversity, conflicts of interest, and professionalism/confidence. In my opinion diversity needs to be at a top priority within educational technology.

Image result for ethical

Unit 10- Universal Design of Instruction

The goal of UDI is to create an learning atmosphere that is inclusive and is able to effectively reach all students with diverse needs. 

Here is a video providing a brief overview of UDI.


  1. Mel! Excellent post and absolutely loved the video you shared on UDI explained. I loved your visuals and important points, and the video was so well crafted, I am so happy you shared this video. I love Universal Design for Learning especially since I enjoy incorporating student-driven learning styles in my own classrooms. I find it works best for students and the video makes excellent points on overcoming the barriers in the classroom while still accomplishing the teacher's goals on what students need to learn. I am glad that this course addressed the concept of diversity and the many different learning styles that students would have. The video was also excellent at breaking down the three different terms of UDL and the three concepts of representation.

    Your points on the Lin reading with the ethical concerns are also well stated. Diversity being a top priority in schools makes a lot of sense to be inclusive of everyone and to show that teachers care about individual students as they progress through school. Perhaps teachers need to be addressed about the concepts of classroom diversity more or would require more professional development/training when having to learn about the different needs of all students. Otherwise, I do see your point and agree with you as diversity leads to better educational globalization.

    Excellent post and thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Jason, so glad you enjoyed the video, I did as well! I also agree that diversity needs to be taught to all educators. Well honestly, to all providers of any kind but that is a different topic!
