Friday, September 20, 2019

Module 6 - Introduction to classroom diversity; Applying UDI to classroom diversity

Unit 11- Introduction to Classroom Diversity

Classroom diversity refers to the various make up of the student body in classrooms.
This includes diversity within socioeconomic classes, religious differences, cultural
differences, disabilities, and gender identities. Educators needs to be
consciously aware of the diversity within their classroom and tailor their teaching
to be received by all students.

Image result for classroom diversity

Unit 12- Applying UDI to Classroom Diversity

UDI principles when applied to the classroom helps in resolving any issues that may arise within diverse classrooms. UDI can be beneficial to all learners by creating a learning environment that remove barriers. Examples of UDI applications in the classroom can be educators delivering one lesson topic in varies ways, such as lecture, video, and articles to read and then discuss in a group setting. 

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