Friday, September 20, 2019

Module 2 - Technology and productivity: Technology as a system of administration

Image result for electronic health record

Unit 3- Technology and Productivity

Technology contributes to productivity by means of social order. For example I have access to my electronic records where my doctor posts my recent visits with my tests findings.  I do not have access to edit or add information only my doctor can but I can view it at an time.  This is a level of productivity and creating  social order where the doctor-professional is in charge of the electronic health record. 

Unit 4- Technology as a System of Administration 

Technology can be seen viewed as system of administration by creating order in the world examples are through communication and travel .  System of administration can be conscious or unconscious. System of administration influences many aspects of day to day life. System of administration highlights power disparity, however this does to need to be negative.  Power disparity serves a purpose in certain situations for example  limited access to items such as atomic bombs. 

Image result for technology as a system of administration

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