Friday, September 20, 2019

Module 4 - The ethics of emerging technologies; Introduction to morality in education

Unit 7- The Ethics of Emerging Technologies

With the rapid rate of the development of technology there is a growing need to be vigilant in applying ethical guidelines to emerging technology. The delivery of mental health services is now able to offer non traditional delivery methods via telemental health and mental health apps.  With these new delivery methods there are new ethical considerations that need to be considered. Telemental health providers should complete additional trainings in order to ensure the best possible outcome for clients. In addition, mobile app developers should have an ethical responsibility to provide up to date, factual, and clinically sound interventions (Bakker, Kazantzis, Rickwood, & Rickard, 2018) to clients.
Bakker, D., Kazantzis, N., Rickwood, D. & Rickard, N. (2018). A randomized controlled trial of three smartphone apps for enhancing public mental health. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 109. 75-83.
Image result for telemental health

Image result for electronic health record

Unit 8 - Introduction to Morality in Education 

Morality in education refers to educators being cognizant of a creating an environment that focuses on property, privacy, and accessibility ( Mason, 1986, cited in Lucey & Grant, 2009). This can be accomplished by educators teaching students to seek refutable sources, ensuring all students have equal access to technology, consider students socio-economic background, and creating a collaborative learning environment. 

Lucey, T.A. & Grant, M.M. (2009). Ethical issues in instructional technology: an exploratory framework. Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, 3(3), 196 – 212.  
Image result for classroom


  1. It's awesome that you consider these ethical issues not only in educational field but also in therapeutic practices. I see both positive and negative sides of using telephone or mobile application services to give mental health supports, and agree to the points you've stated that we should be sensitive to ethical issues.

  2. Hi Jenny, personally I do see the benefit of telemental health using HIPPA compliant face to face platforms and studies show they yield similar results to in person sessions. On the other hand I am a bit more weary of apps and self help tools as I feel people can misdiagnose or diagnose themselves which can cause harm.
